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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Région Hauts-de-France

Citizen Awareness and Contribution to Air Quality Monitoring

Participants : Moncef Ouadia, Romain Rouvoy [correspondant] , Lionel Seinturier, Antoine Veuiller.

This is a 3-year project (2015–17) in the context of the so-called "Chercheur citoyen" program. The partners are LISIC/Université Côte d'Opale (leader), ATMO Nord-Pas De Calais, Association Bâtisseurs d'Economie Solidaire. This project targets the distributed monitoring of air quality with crowd-sensing solutions obtained via sensors connected to smart devices. We aim at inciting citizens to perform their own measures, and to obtain thanks to GPS geo-localization a large-scale database and a dynamic fine-grained cartography of air quality. This project takes advantage of the APISENSE ® crowdsensing platform.


Participants : Yahya Al-Dhuraibi, Stéphanie Challita, Guillaume Fieni, Christophe Gourdin, Philippe Merle [correspondant] , Romain Rouvoy, Lionel Seinturier, Faiez Zalila.

CIRRUS is an 3-year (2017–20) joint team with the Scalair cloud operator and architect company funded by the Hauts-de-France region. The CIRRUS joint team is developing novel solutions in the domains of the on demand configuration of heterogeneous cloud resources, the management of cloud elasticity for all deployed services (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) in order to guarantee quality of service and user quality of experience, and the taming of financial costs of cloud infrastructures.

Inria Lille - Nord Europe

ADT LibRepair

Participants : Benjamin Danglot, Martin Monperrus, Lionel Seinturier [correspondant] , Simon Urli.

ADT LibRepair (2016–18) is a technology development initiative supported by the Inria Lille - Nord Europe Center that aims at supporting the development of an integrated library of automated software repair algorithms and techniques. This ADT builds on our results about with the Astor, Nopol and NpeFix that have been obtained in the context of the defended PhD theses of Matias Martinez  [65] and Benoit Cornu  [54].

North European Lab LLEX

Participants : Martin Monperrus, Lionel Seinturier [correspondant] .

North European Lab LLEX (2015–17) is an international initiative supported by the Inria Lille - Nord Europe Center that takes place in the context of a collaboration between Inria and University College London. LLEX deals with research on automatic diagnosis and repair of software bugs. Automatic software repair is the process of fixing software bugs automatically. An automatic software repair system fixes software bugs with no human intervention. The goal of automatic software repair is to save maintenance costs and to enable systems to be more resilient to bugs and unexpected situations. This research may dramatically improve the quality of software systems. The objective of the partnership is to work on the automated diagnosis of exceptions with a focus on null pointer exceptions.